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Hank was Here

Hank was Here
Hank was Here
Hank was Here
Hank was Here

Kunstenaar: Nan Deardorff-McClain
Straatnaam: Nieuwelaan, OP gevel naast de Sint Sebastiaansbrug
Jaar van plaatsing: 2016


The art piece gets it's name from the enormous graffiti tag that once covered much of this highly visible wall along the Sebastiaansbrug. Over 200 participants were involved in creating the ceramic mosaic "Kandinsky-circles" in 5 different workshops. Students from the nearby Oostpoortschool were among these enthusiastic volunteers. The black and white Copacabana-style waves pay tribute to the 2016 Olympic games held in Rio de Janeiro.  Funding for the project came from Fonds1818 and a private donation.

Urban art activist, Nan Deardorff-McClain, who moved to Delft in 2008 with her family from Miami, Florida, has a passion for covering vandalised walls with mosaics that involve the community. Other community-made mosaics she initiated can be seen by the Filmhuis Lumen (Delft Blue Bike) and next to the Plataan Hotel on the Doelenplein (A target near Plataan trees). All of these mosaics were inspired by the graffiti tags they now cover. 

Nan wishes to thank all the people and local businesses that gave their time and services to this project to make Delft an even more beautiful place to live. To view a film about the process click here:






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